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Wednesday 28 October 2015

Below is some excellent story writing about a troll by three children from Room 16 - Aaron, Ariahna and Jasmine
The Colossal Troll
Smash! the colossal troll threw its massive foot on the cement.  The troll howled with laughter. The people on the ground started screaming and dashing in all directions. The massive troll picked up a fully tiled house roof and threw it several metres away. The roof landed on a very brand new car. The car was crushed under the weight of the roof. The owner of the car just leaped out before it got crushed. “Argh,” screamed the car owner, “That car was brand new!”                                                                          “Nobody cares about your car!” bellowed the big angry troll. The owner of the car ran away in terror. Suddenly a 12 year old kid named Alex came out of the house and said, “Why don't you go back to wherever you came from!” The big ugly troll just sniggered. Finally when it was dusk the colossal troll staggered back to its cave.
“Ha Ha,” chuckled the troll’s friends. The tallest troll in the bunch was called Greely. Greely had just cracked a hilarious joke. The troll was in his humongous cave. He was with five other friends. The trolls were going to sleep now. The troll grabbed a giant boulder and used it as a pillow for his head. Then the trolls went to sleep. At dawn the troll got ready to go back to the city and terrorise the citizens. Now there was a massive lake between the cave and the city. The cave was on a massive island. The trolls had a gigantic boat that they used to travel to different places. The troll leaped 23 metres into the boat. The boat shuddered violently. The troll started rowing back to the city. Even with the troll’s mighty arms pulling the water back, it still took hours to get to the city. Finally, he popped out of the boat and onto the city. When the people saw the troll they started screaming and running away. The troll just smirked. Then the troll flicked up a car and booted it hundreds of metres away like it was a soccer ball. Suddenly the kid called Alex came onto the front yard and started screaming at the troll.  The troll thought it was best to head back to the island.
The troll thought that if he was going to permanently take down the city, he would need to have a few more trolls to help do the job. So the troll raced back to the island. The troll was so fast that he was back in 30 minutes. The troll told his friends the devious plan that he had come up with. After that the trolls got to work. They made a map of the city and they said that one or two of them would attack one corner of the city at a time. The trolls were enthusiastic about their lethal plans to takeover and eliminate the city and everyone living in it. Meanwhile in the city, Alex was making a very complex device. The device would tame the trolls. He was on his 57th test. No matter how hard he tried his device always started to spark or blow up. Thud! There was a loud sound on the wall of the house. Then after the last tune up to Alex’s device the wall was completely pulverized by the trolls fist.
Alex lept out of his seat in horror and sprinted outside. He was in even more shock when he saw not just one troll. He saw two devastating trolls. Alex aimed his weapon at the  troll. Suddenly a massive hand smashed into his back sending Alex flying hundreds of metres. Smash! Alex smashed into a building. Alex groaned in extreme pain.  He blacked out. A few hours later all he saw were crushed buildings, screaming people and debris flying everywhere. Then Alex remembered that he had the troll taming device in his pocket. He pulled it out and looked at it. He was hoping that the device would work. He sprinted onto the road and saw a troll. He needed to act quickly. Even though Alex didn’t have a drivers license, he jumped into a cab. Then he drove to the nearest troll. He was going 37 kilometres per hour. Then he stopped the car and leaped out. He activated the device and aimed it at the troll. Immediately, the troll fell to its knees.
The boy leapt and cheered in excitement. Then he said roll over and the troll rolled over. Then he said gather up the other trolls. He did exactly that. A few minutes later the trolls were all gathered up. He told them to clean up the mess that they had created. They did exactly that. A few days later they had replaced the broken down building with even better buildings. The people of the city had found out about the marvellous creation and believed it had been very useful. That was when the taming device broke.                                             “Argh!” the trolls are back!!  

The Forest Troll

I walked across the long flowing grass to the perfect place where I can plant my seed. My dad gave me one single seed to plant this summer so I have been looking for the perfect space all summer and I have just found the perfect place for me to plant this tree I just hope it will rain enough for my seed to grow. Oh by the way my name is Mary I love nature and gardening that is why I have spent most of my spare time looking for the perfect spot to plant my seed. I have this amazing feeling inside of me that is saying this seed is special. I have now planted my seed and am on my way to my house my dad, mum and live in a small village we moved here a month ago there are no schools here which I am sort of relieved about and sort of not because....

Once upon a time there was a confused troll named Benjamin that saw a human land he wanted some new friends, so of he sprinted but like a old sloth. He was so excited he took a roof off a old fashioned house, his nose went into the house because it was long and baggy and then old grown grass went all over the house he looked for humans but he couldn't see any so he put the roof back on and saw a yacht, he picked the humongous thing and people were still in there even older people.


His foot smashed on the stony ground, and the cars went crunch and the people were screaming at the top of their lungs. He went berserk on the road as he danced,

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