Weekly Notices

  • Please see the tab 'Parent Information' above to find out what is happening this term.
  • Please see the twitter feed below for all weekly notices.

Parent Information

Parent Information

Term 4
Hello and welcome to another great and exciting term. I hope you have all had a restful break and are looking forward to our last term of the year.


Our concept of focus for the term is Symbolism: messages within images.

Literacy learning ( Reading and Writing) and art will encompass this terms concept.
The children will be looking at and creating their own Rebus story, which are stories that have some words substituted with pictures.

In week 5 of this term the children will have a trip to the museum. These are the times and days for each Middle School classes. Each class will catch a bus to the museum.
Monday 9th November 9.30am -11.30am (Rm 15)  plus 12.30pm -2.30pm (Rm 14)
Tuesday 10th November 9.30am -11.30am (Rm 17) plus 12.30pm-2.30pm (Rm 16)

The children will be learning about the Rosary over the first few weeks and then moving on to Holy Spirit. The focus will be on the Fruits of the Holy Spirit and how we can be more like Jesus.

This term our class will be swimming every week on Monday and Wednesdays and on every odd week Fridays too. Please ensure children have brought in their togs and a towel on these days. Swimming caps and goggles are optional. If for some reason your child cannot swim, please let me know with the reason by email or a written note.

For the first two weeks of the term, the children can wear either the winter uniform or the summer uniform. Please do not mix them. By week three the expectation is for everyone to be in summer uniform and sun hats will be compulsory. If you don't wear a hat, you have to stay in shaded areas. Please name your uniform especially your hat.

Our Library Day is on Tuesdays.

Home Learning
Please read every night or go onto Maths Whizz (link here )or  complete classroom tasks that have not been completed during class time. These can be accessed through the Middle Team Sites page (link here).

Golden Time
Please see the Golden Time Tab for activities each week.

Please email me if you have any queries.
David Bach

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