Weekly Notices

  • Please see the tab 'Parent Information' above to find out what is happening this term.
  • Please see the twitter feed below for all weekly notices.


Homework/Home learning for term 3 - there will be no Home learning presentation for Term 3 - homework consists of reading, maths whizz and completion of tasks on Google Apps started at school.

Home Learning Presentation for Term 2

Congratulations, if you have found this page you have already done the first part of the homework for the beginning of the year which was to show your parents or caregivers our class blog.

The main, and only completely compulsory, homework for Room 6 children for 2015 is to read for a minimum of 20-30 minutes, every day possible, at home.
Children's books may be borrowed for free from the Rotorua Public Library and St Mary's School Library. Children may borrow one book at a time from Mr. Bach's Classroom Library Collection.
Some children will be placed on the home reading programme, where they will receive books at their level from the Teacher's Resource Room Library, to take home. Many of these children will also receive extra one-on-one tuition, in reading, during school time.
Please see Mr. Bach if you are worried about your child's reading and they have not been put on a specialised reading program in term one.

The Middle School has produced a Google Presentation that explains the Home Learning Programme for term one beyond the required reading. Every family needs to decide for themselves how much home learning is actually undertaken each week. The children will all have access to Google Apps and maybe also the Maths Online Programme (like maths whizz) at some stage where unfinished class work can be completed.
Please see my general letter that I will give out at the 'Meet the teacher's evening' on 12th February 3:35-4pm and then post on this blog.

The Google Presentation can be seen HERE

1 comment:

  1. ME LAURA Cant put a photo :( i know is ur name michelle lawl its me laura laura laura
