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Tuesday 23 June 2015

Screencastify - We are all learners

In Room 16 we are all learners and teachers of others. Some keen Room 16 children found the Screencastify app themselves on the chrome webstore and introduced this fantastic and easy app to Mr. Bach (although technically it is an extension not an app). There is a link below that takes you to an education/technology blog that explains in detail how it works and how useful it can be in the learning process. Basically the app allows you to do a screen recording of anything you do on a web browsing tab or on your desktop so children can film as they explain their learning using Google chrome on a chrome book. You can add audio of yourself speaking and of any sound that comes from the tab. You can also add a video of yourself shown on a small screen in the corner of the tab. There is a further option to only video yourself speaking on a large screen.

Click Here for more details about screencastify.

You can find the screencastify app/extension to download to drive on This Link

HERE is a screencast of a maths whizz exercise that I created using many of the features.  Below I actually managed to embed it using the embed code - hurray!

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