Weekly Notices

  • Please see the tab 'Parent Information' above to find out what is happening this term.
  • Please see the twitter feed below for all weekly notices.

Monday 14 September 2015

Calendar Art

Rooms 16 and 17 have begun to collaborate more with their learning as St Mary's begins to move towards bigger collaborative learning environments opposed to single cell classrooms. One of the recent collaborations was last Friday when we did our calendar art together, the children were given a choice of four different designs. See the presentation below.

Thursday 3 September 2015

Quick Writing Plan - Stories

The children and I have been collaboratively planning and writing stories in Room 16 using Mr. Bach's Quick Plan model. See example below.

Tuesday 1 September 2015

Problem Solving approach to maths

We have been looking at the problem solving approach to maths learning in Room 16 this year, as have many other classes at St Mary's. Below are some modelling flipbook entries with problems and their solutions using increasingly more complex maths skills. Simple solutions are stage 4 and more advanced ones stage 5 or 6.