Weekly Notices

  • Please see the tab 'Parent Information' above to find out what is happening this term.
  • Please see the twitter feed below for all weekly notices.

Wednesday 26 August 2015

Inventions - Concept

We have begun looking at inventions in the Middle School as the second part of our concept learning for the term. The children have really got into it and begun thinking of all the inventions we use around us every day.

Tuesday 25 August 2015

Screencastify - Poetry

We are about to commence poetry reading and writing in the Middle School. Here is a screencastify Mr Bach made to show children how to get started writing poetry on Storybird.

Thursday 20 August 2015

Padlet - What is an invention?

The children give a variety of ideas about what they think an invention is.... Added from individual chromebooks to class Padlet.

Wednesday 19 August 2015

Modern learning environment furniture

Room 16 has just acquired some new furniture for the class, which has been designed for the digital modern learning environment. Gone are all the old style individual desks in exchange for large flat desks, ergonomically designed chairs, bean bags, tall flat top desks, children's low arm chairs, benches and generally more floor open floor space to spread out. The children can select from a range of options that best suit their individual preference for focusing on their learning using the chrome books. Group and class teaching is still undertaken, but a lot more individual help at each child's chrome book is becoming the norm.

Thursday 6 August 2015

Sequence map using Solo

Look on your child's blog to see examples of work they have posted there. Your child's blog is his or her digital portfolio and will contain both assessments and tasks completed throughout the year. They all know how to access it online. I will post an extensive comment on each blog portfolio twice during the year. Look out for examples of work such as the reading presentation above, on sequencing, that your child should have posted recently.